Customer Service Model

Customer Service Model

OCD is here to help with assessing your organization's cultural health and providing you with some recommendations for making improvements. We use a simple five-step Customer Service Model that is outlined at a high-level to provide you some insight to how we may partner with you to help your organization improve.

Step 1: theINQUIRY

Step 1: theINQUIRY

First step is to solicit our assistance by sending us an inquiry via "Inquiry Form." The inquiry includes basic questions introducing your company to us, so we may assess your organization's qualifications, help us understand some basic information about your organization's culture, and lastly obtain some insight to what you want to accomplish.

Step 2: theKICK-OFF

Step 2: theKICK-OFF

The Kick-off, is a brief meeting to provide you with some additional information about OCD Foundation's service, refine requirements, and discuss activities and timeline for our service.

Step 3: theSURVEY

Step 3: theSURVEY

With your requirements in hand, it's time for us to go to work to create an online survey. We basically go through the following activities of design and development to create a data gathering tool for distribution and assessment of your organization's cultural health.

Step 4: theFINDINGS

Step 4: theFINDINGS

Post data gathering, the survey is completed. OCD Foundation provides analysis of the data. This analysis includes explanations and recommendations for intervention.

Step 5: theCONSULT

Step 5: theCONSULT

After you have had ample time to read through the findings reported, consultation is offered to provide further discussion (Q&A) about the recommendations offered, so your organization is clear on the best path forward.